Sunday, July 27, 2014

House Stark 2. # 7 bannerman #3 Trooper

I decided to go with a blue gray uniform with Gray armor and leather belts and pouches

I took the center armor medallion which had a skull on it and trimmed it to form a wolf head.  I do have a Stark banner to go on the staff, but it's gone missing for the moment.

Fur caped added to the backs with Green putty

Thanks for the imput.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A few works in progress and some finnished

A hero clixy thing re paint and re based. I thought looked kind of Steampunky and now I had another idea for one so I'll have to get another.

Crocodile games Sobetek. These were really fun to paint and I had such a good time painting these I see more coming in the future

The start  of my GOT future 1st House Stark standard barer.  Using Reaper Bones IMEF figures with Sculpted fur cloaks on the back (which I forgot to take a picture of) still working on the color scheme .

House Stark Trooper with alien eggs

Trash to treasure  workings.  I really enjoy making things from stuff that I would usually toss out.  This was a real surprise for me.   The eggs are made from a broken piece of Styrofoam, this is the inside of a broken piece.  I washed it over with some white glue for stability,  then a couple of coats of paint. I am sure to come up with some other use too.
Motts apple sauce container into a barbarians hut

I covered the logo with some greenstuff for a hide covered door and thatch roof

Rear logo was made into a widow  cover

Greenstuff  horns were added for a bit of barbarian class. A sack of whatever sits by the door.  Not bad for pretty much free