Thursday, August 27, 2015

Couple of new figures built and painted.

Welcome to the feast

Finished and few  of my WIP (see last post)

1st up My Falcon handler

I used the same (reaper rioter figure) for 2 of these My falcon handler  had a GW head added as a well as the Falcon arm and the stuffed red bird on the rope

My archer  Bundle up for Frostgrave adventures.  A barbarian head from  GW bits was added and the cowl was made with putty    The Arms came from a GW empire archer and re worked into this figure.  The Quiver was cut from a bones Arthurian archer and equipment from the bit box

 The feast is on!  My tavern keeper brings in the roast pig with veggies to the hungry warband on their return from Frostgrave.  the Figure started as an Reaper Innkeeper bones figure.  I cut away the arms and put a roast pig platter onto the body, I then sculpted on a new set of arms holding the platter.

i liked the way he turned out

here is a nice shot showing the trouble I had painting the pants. The day after painting the pants I found that all the paint cracked.  I thought it ruined but then I kind of liked the textured look I kept it.  What do you think?

Friday, August 21, 2015

WIP frostgrave warbands

One of a few new boxes of toys

Some frostgrave warrior and towns people. ( 9 of the 10 are made from the same Reaper Rioter figure that I have been using) In this group is a leader in the sallet (my favorite type of helmet) Archer,crossbow man Ax man with torch the start of a buxom female soldier and a Bill man (get it billman hahahaha I crack myself up) along with a hapless soldier caught in qicksnow.  The rest of the group  is my Falconer  and inn keeper carrying a roasted pig platter and a barman with the libations to go with it.

All made from the guy in the back

As are these

And him :)