The faire itself has been around so long it is really starting to show a lot of wear not so much in infrastructure but in ideas. Most of the shows are getting lame and raunchy lots of gay jokes and innuendos(not so much kid/family friendly as they lead you to believe) even some of the shop worker say some pretty raunchy stuff. The Jousting would have been done better if Betty White was jousting (Hanlon-lee's action theater is getting fairly lame they need to take the action out of their name), although they had a female knight this year that was interesting. The commentary/acting at the joust was painful you got hardly any response from the crowd on our side. and it was just pretty boring overall.
Can I recommend it... well yes I guessI have to because I keep going back(been open 31 years and I have been to most of them) but they do have lots of problems and I doubt they would care what people think. The layout of the park has become a real problem on crowded days they have the food court (Canterbury kitchens) directly in the middle of the pathway around the the back of the faire. Does not look like much of a problem on the map but when you get lines stretching out like spokes in all directions it makes for a hard time getting around,plus the food is outrageously priced and not that great.