Saturday, June 14, 2014

Dungeon dwellers

A couple of re painted dungeon dwellers from D&D clix figures. Inexpensive and relatively good figures for the price.

Fantasy Egyptians

From the indigogo campaign 

These are really nice figures, well sculpted  and fun to paint. Concubine,Assassin, and Serving girl

Scribe, Attendant,Musician.  I really like the Attendant figure

Body Guards

The ax man reminds me of James Earl Jones, Tulsa Doom.  Id like to do a head swap with this someday.

Eunuch Captain and guards

A really cool collection that you would not be amiss to buy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Stuck!Poor Guy

Poor guy, stuck in the tar pit
Safari land Ltd Mammoth figure cut in half and placed on a wood base

Swamp creature

Swamp creature. a small overnight project using a clix figure (re-paint), a secret weapons corpse base and there realistic water