Well it’s been a while since I posted here so here is what I have been working on this week. I just bought these great figures from Bronze age miniature and let me say they are great figures and much better in person than the photos would leave you to believe. I had picked up some Sci Fi figures, female barbarians and a bunch of the generic male and female figures to assist me in my sculpting. http://www.bronzeagemin.com/
One of my favorite movies (not the greatest, but I love it) is “The Blood of heroes” with Rutger Hauer. A Really cool Post Apocalyptic movie about a brutal future sport (without a name) with Players called Juggers. These Juggers arm themselves with Pole and chains and attempt to put a Dogs skull on a stick (see the movie)
Unfortunately I could not find figure to go with the movie so I decided to attempt and mind you I said attempt my hand at sculpting(way harder than I expected and way more fun than I expected too) I started with the basic generic nude male and female forms provided by Bronzeage miniatures. The group represents a Jugging team of five in their rag tag (the future in this movie does not look to promising) outfits made from various cast offs, rags, rubber and old tires. I did not find the green putty that hard to work with but I did have trouble getting that really nice smooth surface that the Pros get. I think they came out pretty good if I don’t say so myself let me know what you think.

The other figure (not from the movie) is my interpretation of Jenny the farmer daughter from the Zombie game “Last night on earth” again I used a nude female form from Bronzeage games and pushed around more green stuff. The Chain saw is from Mississinewa Miniatures. All in all I had a great deal of fun making these and will continued to try more sculpting
Thanks for Now and have fun
Those are pretty sweet! Keep up the good work.
Just seen these.
They look great, very reminiscent of the movie, by the way which is a favorite of mine as well.
If u intend to game with them there is a ruleset based on Harnmaster on the net.
Well done again - any chance of seeming them painted?
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