Monday, July 20, 2015

Vermithrax finished

Vermithrax finished

I had a good deal of fun painting her, attempting to do the right color scheme

I painted the base with Pokorny paints  Cavern set from Dwarven Forge adding a few small rocks here and there for some texture

I found that painting the vinyl was hard and had lots off trouble with it rubbing off (and her was washed and primed and let dry)

Everything came out nice till I dull coated her.   It was not to bad but she came out with a very dull chalky coat. Now I wonder if I should go over it with a gloss coat.  Still happy with it in the long run and for less than $50 she make I nice addition to my dragon collection

Reaper Wizard for scale


blacksmith said...

Great painting on that dragon. It looks impressive. Congratulations

Michael Awdry said...

Absolutely brilliant!