Now I don't think a chainsaw is the best Zombie weapon but It does look cool. My business man was a really simple head swap and repaint, the original had a strange mask and was spattered in blood. I tone him done a bit
My wizard started as a Star Wars figure of a Quarren assassin(I liked the robes). I added a new head and hands from another figure and made a staff from a paperclip and putty
lastly I have some more Survivors(from whatever) All of them are heroclix type figures the 1st two I have added hands with pistols, back packs, goggles (on one of them) and made some straps for putty. a simple repaint and done.
my last survivor started as a scientist clixy and was a god awful one. So another head swap and hands(see the wizard for those) An added back pack and putty made straps canteen,bag and scarf, a paper clip for a iron bar walking stick and a spare M16(?) from the new box of male survivors from Wargames factory. Another repaint and another cool PA survivor.
Comment appreciated.
Nice conversions and touch ups mate they look great.
Nice job, as always...
You know what I find really amusing about your "modelling works"?? It's that when you publish something, I (Really) often find out that I'm working at the same models at the same time than you... Be it Quars, clixs, gladiators, "cheap" Dragons or you name it.... Modelling connection??? ;D
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